Business Essentials & Fundamentals Bootcamps

Getting Started with Functional Medicine Labs

Course Description

Join Dr. Dan Kalish, founder of The Kalish Institute for a deep-dive on the fundamentals of Functional Medicine Labs. This course includes pre-recorded lectures only - learn at your own pace! 

Learn how these labs help patients, which labs to order first, and how to get started ordering labs. This course has three modules for you to choose from, adrenals, GI and organic acids. Take one module or all three.

You will learn specific scripts and techniques for explaining the value and critical importance of these labs. We’ve successfully trained thousands of practitioners in this approach to patient education and it works, is easy to learn, and relieves any stress you may have about convincing patients to get started with a program.

Adrenal Module

  • Learn about the differences between various types of adrenal hormone tests: salivary cortisol and DHEA, the cortisol awakening response (CAR), and urinary metabolites (HUMAP and DUTCH testing)
  • Understand how to explain the value of the tests to patients

GI Module

  • Learn what are the best test kits to order for a complete GI assessment  
  • Understand the types of patients best suited for these particular tests
  • Gain the confidence required to answer any patient questions and  address the most common concerns patients have

Organic Acids Module

This course helps you overcome the challenges of getting started with ordering organic acids labs.  These tests help evaluate patients with complaints including weight gain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, insomnia and allergies, as well as disorders such as metabolic syndrome, imbalance brain chemistry, and oxidative stress. 

  • Learn what are the best organic acids test kits to order for an assessment of metabolism, brain function, nutrient levels, and detoxification capacity. There are many choices and it is confusing.
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