Interpreting the Test, Important Markers, and Amino Acid Supplements
I’ve been using Organic Acids testing to determine the best amino acid supplement to recommend to patients for over twenty years. And I just have to say I’ve learned more about this approach to clinical nutrition every year. At first, like most of you, I only used the Organic Acids test with THE most difficult patients, those I was stuck with who weren’t improving. Then about five years ago I made a radical change in the structure of my practice and starting to run the Organic Acids test with EVERY new patient.
Since that time a whole new world of treatment options has opened up for me and now my over all protocols for every patient incorporate the Organic Acids test findings and I can’t imagine trying to even start a new case without all the data the test provides. In that constant search we all go through to find the best amino acid supplement, the test results will provide a guide for you which when combined with a good history and many years of clinical experience will result in life changing results for your patients.
Organic Acid Test
The Organic Acids test looks at six key markers which directly relate to neurotransmitter physiology, so you will see the need for amino acids like 5-HTP, tryptophan (yes you can tell from the test which of those two might work better) and tyrosine.
Schedule a 15-Minute Phone ConsultationYou’ll also get tremendous insight into the potential need for Phase 2 liver detoxification amino acids such as methionine, taurine and amino acid derivatives like NAC. And if that wasn’t enough if you see certain patterns that reflect a “hypometablism” as Dr. Richard Lord says, you’ll be able to identify those patients that will respond amazingly well to top quality free form amino acid supplementation.
To break this all down a bit further, the Organic Acids test will show two basic categories of neurotransmitter related amino acid problems. One being markers like kynurenate that indicate an inflammatory process in the body is impacting neurotransmitter function, in all there are three of these inflammatory related tests you’ll get on the report. There are also three “use” or “stress” related neurotransmitter markers that show the “burn rate” if you will of dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine and norepinephrine.
The Organic Acids test also includes an extensive section on toxicity related concerns showing many aspects of glutathione problems as well as Phase 2 liver detoxification pathways, all of which are treated with, you guessed it, amino acid supplements. And last, but certainly not least, would be the patterns of chronically low markers of the test that indicated “hypometabolism” which can be jump started with BCAA or free form amino acid supplements.
From a patient symptom perspective we can cover so many areas, from depression, fatigue and anxiety that can be related to neurotransmitter problems, to the toxic patient and those with very low energy reserves and weight loss resistance. Of course in many cases you’ll also see that amino acid deficiencies are the result of another issue whether it’s chemical or heavy metal toxicity damaging neurons and taxing detox pathways or digestive infections and poor diet choices that are leading to a lack of free form amino acids. Even plain old stress, just emotional stress alone, can throw us into a catabolic state which, you got it, depletes our amino acids.
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